Straying from the straight and narrow ... but not too far.

The last couple of years have seen some changes in the garden, not huge changes in themselves but they have impacted on the path. The insertion of a rose walk bed on the left and the widening of the sunny border on the right altered the shape of the grass and the path just looked odd. I was loath to suggest we move it, the alteration would be small but a lot of work. We are getting a bit old to be on our hands and knees relaying slabs and replacing turf but we decided to go ahead. The first photograph is the old route. Many men would blow a gasket at the suggestion of relaying a path just six inches or so to the right but my under gardener is wise. He knows I am usually right. It should have taken a few days but, as is becoming usual this cold spring, the weather intruded so it took almost a week of popping in and out when weather and work commitments allowed. We also increased the sitting area in the arbour so we can now walk past the table without muddying the grass in winter an...