It is June! June, June, June, June, June ...

Well, May was a bit of a wash out, wasn’t it? The wettest May for years and the coldest, although we didn’t get the degree of frost that elsewhere suffered and have come out unscathed. I had a huge backlog of planting in the greenhouse, and we spent much of the time carting trays of plants in and out to get them acclimatised. When the weather finally calmed down I had a mammoth planting out job. I planted perennials I'd grown from seed, plus bits and pieces I'd ordered to fill up the gaps. The border we instated in the Spring still has some visible soil but once the plants get going there will be very little. There are still one of two pots wating to go in the ground but I am waiting for them to grow on j ust a little bit more so as not to be such a tasty offering for the slugs. We weren’t daunted by the weather though and as promised, the under gardener built a fabulous pergola along the back of the house. It went up much quicker than expected. he designed and built it from sc...