Not A Grumble in the Jungle

The paved area at the back of the house sits in deep shade for most of the morning and then blazing sunlight until dusk. I tried roses, cottage style pots but they didn't like it; the poor things wilted in the heat of the afternoon. The area looked stark and unfriendly with no planting at all so I decided, on a whim, to try more exotic things. I shouldn't really call it a jungle since some of the things I am growing there wouldn't survive in a jungle at all. It is a mix of small palms, bananas, bulbs, fuchsias, anything that enjoys or will tolerate unrelenting sun. I bought cheap palms and bananas from the garden centre department at the supermarket. When I brought them home they were small plants but I was astonished at how quickly they grew. By the end of teh summer, the four inch high banana plants were taller than me! Since I am new to this style of gardening, I stuck to easy to grow varieties that would put up with growing in pots. Along side the more unfamiliar thing...