The Rose Walk cont ...

 As I promised on one of my other posts I've finally got around to updating you on my rose walk. The idea was inspired by my sister and I had the perfect place for it. A shady corner that we always just walked past. Now it is planted up with roses and clematis there will be a reason to stop and spend a few moments smelling the blooms ... and dead heading, of course. The first photo is the 'before' pic - the one below it, the 'after' pic.

The roses you can see in the picture are Rosa Banksiae Rosea (small pink rambler). Rambling Rosie (red in foreground). Snowgoose (small creamy white on right of seat) The red one near the seat is called JIve and just in the top corner of the last picture you can glimpse Kiftsgate. I've also planted Tottering By Gently pictured below which is great for bees and other pollinators.

The generous gardener a (lovely pink climber not pictured) and Lady of Shallot (pictured below) which promises to be a show stopper.

While we were at it, we also increased the depth of the garden opposite the rose walk, on the sunny side of the garden, making space to plant Eustacia Vye, Summer Song and Munstead Wood. I can't wait to see it this year, when it will hopefully have far more impact.


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