New start - me and the garden
Nasty weather throughout January has hindered me but we've had a few good days more recently and I've finally managed to clear all the winter debris. Which means round two can begin - the proper gardening.
I've still a lot of rose pruning to do, and some things need digging up, either for relocation in this garden, or splitting and giving to friends. It is always nice to see the spring flowers emerging and I can now enjoy the camelias, daffodils, hyacinths, primulas etc. while I continue with the seasonal work. As you can see from the picture lower down I have an awful lot of Japanese Anemone to dig out... again!
I Invested in a small long-handled fork to make it easier to aerate the soil and disturb the weeds. With my back and arms protesting more and more each year I don't manage to do as thorough a job as I used to. I just hope it is good enough.
I sowed the sweet peas the other day, a job I have usually done in October to get them off to a good start over winter. I was too lazy last year, I guess. One the pruning is done, March will be here, time to feed the roses and clematis.
John still has some finishing off to do on the greenhouse and a few benches to make with the left over wood and then it will be all go again.So, here's hoping for a lovely summer in 2024, not too hot and not too wet either. Hopefully, future blog pictures will be more colourful as the garden pops out into bloom. I will endeavour to keep the blog up to date, and don't forget to look out for videos on the youtube channel - @Judeofthejungle
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