It looks like Spring but doesn't feel like it!
2024 began on a better foot. Having rediscovered my enthusiasm over the winter, I began clearing the beds and preparing for Spring with gusto. (see previous post.) The daffodils and camelias have been outstanding.
Thankfully, I now have a refuge, somewhere to hide out from the relentless rain, somewhere that isn't so indoorsy as the house.
I foolishly put the garden furniture out way too early during a warm week in early March but left the summer cushions in storage. My husband's kneeling cushion provides a little comfort at this time of year.
We ran out of time last year and still have plans to extend the into the far corner but the greenhouse extension is now useable. I spend a lot of time sitting in there working on my laptop, or fiddling with my plants or just looking out the window and wishing it was drier. So far, I've sown tomatoes, cucumber and coleus. Hoping for good things this year, as I always do. Since it is so lovely to sit in the new part I am going to bring some of my indoor jungle plants out to enjoy the summer when ... if it comes. I am very grateful to have such a clever undergardener.
Since it is made from recycled materials, it cost very little money and it doesn't leak, is nice and warm and has overwintered my ensete Abyssinian bananas and young palms really well. I will be adding much more. Initially, I wanted more planting space but since we are getting such terrible weather it serves much better as an all-weather seating area. It feels as if I'm outside, even if I'm not.
I've added a small barrel pond, some solar lighting and am envisaging long summer evenings out there - even rainy ones!
Keep dry!
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