It looks like Spring but doesn't feel like it!

Here in Wales, last summer was wet, too hot, and wet again in turn. The garden suffered and so did I. I ended the summer of 2023 fed up to the back teeth with gardening. It didn't help that we were in the process of extending the green house so the far end was more like a building site. There were areas I couldn't access because of piles of wood etc. and plants suffered. I had black spot on my roses, mildew on the clematis. I was not happy. 2024 began on a better foot. Having rediscovered my enthusiasm over the winter, I began clearing the beds and preparing for Spring with gusto. (see previous post.) The daffodils and camelias have been outstanding. However, since then the weather has been appalling - rain, rain, rain and wind. So I've been hindered. As soon as I get one job sorted, the weather comes along and ruins it, sending me back to square one. But I guess, that is the challenge of it. Thankfully, I now have a refuge, somewhere to hide out from the relentless rain, s...